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What Pastor-Counseling Gets Very Wrong?

Below is an excerpt from an article dated
July 27, 2016 by Dr. Robert W. Kellerman,
Author of Gospel-Centered Counseling, Chairman of the Biblical Counseling Department at Crossroads Bible College, founding Chairman of and Professor in the MA in Christian Counseling and Discipleship department at Capital Bible Seminary. In addition to a 90-sec Dr. John MacArthur video on said subject.


Top Two Trends in Church-Based Counseling Ministry


The first trend is a movement away from the idea that we have to refer everything out to outside experts. If the Bible truly is rich, robust, and relevant for daily living, as Gospel-Centered Counseling teaches, then it is sufficient to help us to speak gospel truth in love so that we all grow up in Christ.


So, this first trend involves a growing confidence in the power of God’s Word and in the church’s power to change lives with Christ’s changeless truth. It reflects the confidence that the Apostle Paul had when he spoke to the “average, ordinary” believers in small house churches dotting the Roman countryside. “I myself am convinced, that you yourselves are full of goodness, complete in knowledge, and competent to counsel one another.” [Romans 15:14 CJB]


The second trend I see is a movement away from the pastor doing all the work of counseling to the pastor equipping God’s people to be competent to counsel. God does not call pastors and church leaders to hoard the ministry. God calls pastors to equip the saints to speak the truth in love.


Increasingly, I’m seeing pastors, churches, Bible Colleges, and seminaries focusing on every member ministry, on one-another ministry, and on small group ministry where we are all equipped to counsel. 


“E.g. Most pastors lack faith in the BEST PRACTICE of counseling that Jesus modeled when He was distressed and despondent at the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:37-39). Pastors, repent!


Richard Lee



World-Renowned Pastor, Dr. John MacArthur Agrees!


The counseling that Jesus modeled at Gethsemane is also supported by world-renowned pastors as BEST PRACTICE; from Dr. John MacArthur to Dr. John Piper. Learn more.


And the best peer-to-peer counseling modeled by Jesus is also well-founded at the highest levels of both medical and clinical practices; from mental health to physical health; from relational neuroscience, relational neurobiology to relational psychology. Learn more.


There is NOTHING more powerful in medicine nor nutrition than what God incarnate modeled at Gethsemane. Nothing.



James 5:16a, 


“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.”

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